“Two pages a day” starts again!

Yesterday (January 2, 2015) was my first day of my two-pages-a-day regime. The goal is to write two pages (500 words) a day, six days a week, from January to June-ish. The last two years I’ve used this approach, I get most of a first draft done on a new story in six months. Thus, I’ll be tweeting “two pages” six days a week. You’re welcome to join me, if you like.

About Bill Bunn

Bill’s excited because his first adult novel, Ghost in Theory, is now available everywhere! Bill Bunn is the author of several books, essays, and articles. He is currently writing two pages a day to generate the rough draft of his next novel. Bill Bunn lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Bill teaches English at Mount Royal University. https://www.facebook.com/billbunnauthor
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2 Responses to “Two pages a day” starts again!

  1. briannacoz says:

    I think I’m gonna join you 🙂

    BTW: so excited for your new book!

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