Two pages a day, 2024

I have to admit, I don’t feel ready or motivated to write 500 words a day (two pages). It’s work. I know there will be days where I feel like writing, but many days I won’t. And that’s the point. The point is to write consistently, daily, regardless of my feelings.

Here are the rules I work with (create your own if these don’t suit you):

  1. Write two pages every day — that’s 500 words (Unless you’re a poet). The goal is not perfection. The goal is two pages of a crappy first draft. Quantity, not quality.
  2. Write six days a week.
  3. Take one day each week off.
  4. Write 2 pages a day until the last day of June, 2024.

Let’s see what happens!

About Bill Bunn

Bill’s excited because his first adult novel, Ghost in Theory, is now available everywhere! Bill Bunn is the author of several books, essays, and articles. He is currently writing two pages a day to generate the rough draft of his next novel. Bill Bunn lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Bill teaches English at Mount Royal University.
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